Thursday, September 13, 2007

Check out this great resource!

Ever have a day where you just can not remember how to spell a word?
How about a time when you come across a word which you do not know the meaning of?
If either of these things have ever happened to you, (and they have happened to me many times!) then I suggest you check out is a great resource for all things Language Arts. Spelling problem? Just type in the way you *think* the word is spelt, and if you have spelt it wrong, the site will bring up a list of words you may have been trying to spell, allowing you to select the correct one. If you have spelt it right, however, the site will automatically bring you to the dictionary definition of the word - yay for information technology!

Or what if you are trying to write a story and just can not think of another way to say what you want to say? Just click the Thesaurus tab on the top righthand side of the screen and type in the word you are using - the site will then provide you with a list of synonyms separated according to each possible meaning of the word you chose. Neat!

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